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The Montezuma School to Farm Project provides engaging garden lessons at the crossroads of food production, food preparation and resource conservation to Montezuma County schools, serving students from age 3 to18.

"I've always wanted to have a garden at home, I'm so glad that I get to come work in this one."
- Mancos Elementary Student

"Garden class is the easiest class to get all kids engaged. I've had incredibly high behaviors be sucked into lessons. I've had five different life skills students stay completely regulated and engaged in almost every single lesson. It's heartwarming and inspiring."
- 3rd grade teacher from Cortez
"The tasting is always a highlight of the lesson. It has surprised me how willing the students are to try something new when they understand where the food comes from. I think that being in the garden encourages exploration, which extends to the tasting portion of the lesson. This curiosity in trying new, nutritious foods is a valuable skill that sets students up for healthy eating habits in the future."
- 23/24 AmeriCorps Staff Member

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![Today is Colorado Gives Day! Montezuma School to Farm project would love your support so that we can continue to offer high-quality, standards-based experiential education to the students of Montezuma County.
Studies have shown that garden classes support good nutrition, health and wellness, environmental awareness, social and community connections, and learning in students. The science says that they work, but so do the students!
Here's some of the things students have recently said about garden class:
"[garden class] makes me want to eat healthier foods at home!" - 2nd grader
"It makes me feel like calm and also it helps me to get my focus back up." -5th grader
"Garden makes me really happy when I feel sad." - Kindergartener
You can donate at or click on the link in our bio.
You can learn more about us at
Want to do more? Sign up to be a volunteer at
#givewhereyoulive #ColoradoGivesDay #BestDaytoGive #COGivesDay #gardeneducation #mstfp #schooltofarm #lettuceturnipthebeet #montezumacounty|
#cogivesday2024 #GiveLocally](
![Today is Colorado Gives Day! Montezuma School to Farm project would love your support so that we can continue to offer high-quality, standards-based experiential education to the students of Montezuma County.
Studies have shown that garden classes support good nutrition, health and wellness, environmental awareness, social and community connections, and learning in students. The science says that they work, but so do the students!
Here's some of the things students have recently said about garden class:
"[garden class] makes me want to eat healthier foods at home!" - 2nd grader
"It makes me feel like calm and also it helps me to get my focus back up." -5th grader
"Garden makes me really happy when I feel sad." - Kindergartener
You can donate at or click on the link in our bio.
You can learn more about us at
Want to do more? Sign up to be a volunteer at
#givewhereyoulive #ColoradoGivesDay #BestDaytoGive #COGivesDay #gardeneducation #mstfp #schooltofarm #lettuceturnipthebeet #montezumacounty|
#cogivesday2024 #GiveLocally](